For covert radio users such as undercover police and surveillance teams, two things matter above all else: uninterrupted communications and discretion. Today the company behind the industry-standard Phonito earpiece family, Phonak Communications, brings to the security market a new receiver solution that perfectly meets both these needs: Profilo Nano.
This next-generation covert earpiece is so small as to be completely invisible to bystanders and thanks to its proprietary transductive technology it is 100% immune to the electromagnetic interference (EMI) that alarm systems, vehicles and other electronic circuits can cause. Its audio quality has also further been enhanced over previous Phonak earpieces, ensuring crystal-clear speech clarity that trial users have described as “perfect”.
Available in beige or dark brown, the Profilo Nano covert earpiece is available with a variety of different covert wiring kits and PPTs. A wide choice of radio connectors are available (including the latest TETRA models), and a special connector is also available for Phonak’s Bluetooth (BT) module; enabling Profilo Nano to be used with BT-enabled communication terminals. All Profilo Nano neckloops include dual quick-release safety connectors and are available in several lengths and colors.
Phonak earpieces are the result of several decades’ worth of hearing research and experience. This is why thousands of security professionals around the world trust a Phonak in their ear.